Everglades, FL

by Bryan Soderlind

This gem of a spot is deep down in the beautiful Florida Everglades or “The River of Grass” as the Indians would call it.  It is a decent little drop where the water flows under the gap, which is kind of different. Danny Hampson was the first one to try this gap and scared away the gator that was lurking right near where you would want to ollie.  The landing is pretty narrow so it is imperative to stomp your tricks. Dan did all his usual front shuv and front big variations while Ben Horan did some Ollie North’s and some backside 180’s.  Kyle Hyams did a backside 180 as well and Aaron was filming all of it on my old 16mm camera for the upcoming Obscura video to be released at some point this year.  Get psyched!

This gap was part of the Top Pros trip for Alliance Wakeboard. It’s already been run, so find your friend with a subscription and get over to their house to check out back issues, now!


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