For the first time the Bylery Toe Jam headed to the family-friendly Correct Craft Corporate Complex for the Rockstar Wake Jam. And the most important family in attendance were the Grubbs who got to see their baby boy beat out the rest of the boat heavy hitters and add another title to his impressive list.

Though some very threatening clouds tried to shut things down, even a little lightning couldn’t stop the event (just put it on hold for a little while.) After several qualfiying rounds, the final two came down to Reed Hansen and Brian Grubb, and although Reed eats giant wakes for breakfast, he couldn’t put it together in the end, at least, not as well was Grubb. Multiple 360 variations, wake to wake shuvs and big spins and even a 540 attempt made up the final two runs, but when it was all said and done, Grubb came out on top.

Since this is the first year every event hasn’t included a boat event, it was exciting to see how much the level has been upped from wake to wake. Other stand outs included Dieter Humpsch’s incredible tweaks and wake to wake kickflip attempts, Jen Gilanfarr riding alongside the boys and BT’s impressive consistency.  It was also amusing when BT donned a contruction vest and walked around with a hammer, but you’ll have to check the gallery to really appreciate that one!


1. Brian Grubb
2. Reed Hansen
3. Stu Shinn
3 Brandon Thomas
5. Grant Roberts
5. Dieter Humpsch
5. George Daniels
5. Ross Gardner


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