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The other night many all star members of the wake community gathered at the Malinoski home to celebrate Rusty’s 26th birthday. Yes, the one and only Bonecrusher is now 26. Where has the time gone? Nobody was worried about that, though. Really they were just worried about beating each other in the game of golf on the pool table (look it up, it’s fun), trying to keep Marek from reaching up onto the pool table to push the balls around, eating the awesome desserts prepared by Rusty’s wife Lindsy, watching the Murr Show on Stokemeter with special guests Erik Ruck, George Daniels and Scott Byerly (had they not been on the show they probably would’ve been at the birthday party, too), and having lots of laughs and fun. So Happy Birthday to Rusty and happy holidays to all of you out there.

Making a wish... probably for some huge double ups