Bob goes big

Bob goes big

As if Surf Expo wasn’t exciting enough as it is, the Alliance booth happened to be set up right next to an indoor rail jam.  As soon as Danno the Manno began to talk on the mic, people began to gather like lost sheep looking for their sheppard (Danno).  Seeing the crowd growing into the thousands (maybe a little less), I wondered over to check out the Liquid Force crew shred the rail.  Shane “Danger” Bonifay, Bob “Ballin'” Soven, Shawn Watson, Steel Lafferty, Collin Harrington, and eleven year old Taylor McCullough showed the crowd just a little taste of what Liquid Force has to offer.  Bob stunned the audience with his death-defying raley off of the kicker, while Collin Harrington executed a textbook nosepress.  The good times continue at Surf Expo…

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