Putting together an issue full of double ups is a lot of fun… unless you’re the rider. Double ups are usually a high risk / high reward endeavor and launching off of them over and over trying to get a shot can take a toll on the body, mind, and even soul… (“It’s sucking my will to live!” – name that movie) But the crashes can also be hilarious to look at, so with that here are some of the better mishaps that came from some of the shoots for the double up issue.

One-footers are hard enough as it is. One-footers off of double ups? We’re guessing Dylan Miller was centimeters from crapping his pants at this point in time.
Photo: Cortese


Too bad it’s not a hoverboard, Reed…
Photo: Cortese


It’s true, Harley does crash
Photo: Cortese


The wipeout to face slide is never fun, just ask Bob
Photo: Cortese


Shane sending it at BROstock. As Danny Harf put it after watching this, “There’s something about being a Bonifay and just laying out a sweet double.”
Photo: Cortese