If there was a contest for wakeskating’s biggest fan, Reed Hansen would probably win. On an average day he wakeskates more than most people do in a week. Growing up in a wake-sport family, living at a wakeboard camp and getting home schooled have all played major roles in the amount time he gets to wakeskate, but if not for all that, Reed would definitely have found a way to ride just as much. He seems to really like it. All of his time on the water has not been a waste though, he has gotten pretty good. At just 16, Reed has made his place in the industry as one of the first riders in the next generation of wakeskating. With his quick mastery of flip tricks, he is keeping the old guys on their toes, and showing the new riders what is possible. Reed’s BFF Matt Manzari has also been known to wakeskate well, but more importantly spends almost as much time with Reed as Reed does with his wakeskate. So who better to interview the tech master himself? — BG

Matt: Hey Reed, it feels pretty weird asking you all these questions that I pretty much know the answers to, but let’s get this done so we can go fishing. Why did you stop wake boarding?
Reed: Because it got boring and I needed something different. I felt so “tied down.”

Matt: When did you start wakeskating?
Reed: About two and a half years ago and I have been pro for about two years.

Matt: What are your goals for this year?
Reed: Triple Varial McTwist and to be a more consistent contest rider.

Matt: What is your perfect day?

Reed: Hmm. Wake up on your couch to Pixy licking my face and the smell of Miss Nancy’s biscuits and gravy. After breakfast, walk out to an uncovered boat and a butter smooth lake. Each take a set.  Next, come in to 18 inches of delicious roast beef from Subway. Then me and you go and shoot some skeet with my 12 gauge. Then we go down to Lake Hansen and show the bass ‘what’s up’ and fish for a couple hours. When we’re done fishing, we head out to Choctaw Willies for a slice of paradise (dinner). Next, end the day with some cat fishing off the Lake Emma Bridge. That’s a perfect day right there, I don’t care who you are!

Matt: So if you want people to know the real you, tell them about “Red Neck Sunday.”

Reed: All right, every Sunday, me and Matt have a tradition where we wake up and go to church. After church we go out to eat at Firehouse Subs or Moe’s and then head out to Bass Pro Shops or Gainer Mountain. We look around for about an hour and then pick up some skeet and shells. Go back to my house and shoot some skeet for a few hours and then we get out our bows and shoot our bows for about an hour. Eat dinner and if there is time, go fishing. So, don’t be callin’ us on Sunday cus were busy!

Matt: If you could be a pro at any other sport, what would it be?
Reed: Is that a question?  Big game huntin, of course!
Matt: I meant extreme sports, which you said is skateboarding.
Reed: What, running into a cave with a bunch of hibernating grizzlies with nothing but a buck knife and an air horn doesn’t seem extreme?

Matt: Why do you prefer a bi-level over a concave?
Reed: Why don’t I prefer a bi-level over a concave?

Matt: Who do you usually ride with?
Reed: Uh, You, Byerly, Thomas (Horrell), Aaron (Reed), but mostly you.

Matt: Do you prefer PWC or Boat? Why?
Reed: I don’t care what I’m riding, as long as I’m doing tricks right. Like skateboarders and not gay stuff.

Matt: Have you learned any new tricks lately?
Reed: Yes! Next question please.

Matt: Who do you look up to in the sport and who inspires you to ride?
Reed: I look up to Byerly, Aaron, Thomas and Nick T. Aaron and you inspire me.

Matt: Where do you normally ride?
Reed: On the water. No really, at a secret spot that if I told you I would have to kill you, so let’s just change the subject.

Matt: There’s always talk about the way tricks should and should not be done, and if it matters. What do you think?
Reed: It does matter. Tricks should be done right. I mean, if you open any skate magazine, you won’t find any tricks that aren’t done right. I think guys should stop claiming tricks and trying to get them in the magazines when they aren’t done right.

Matt: Do you think wakeskating is going in the right direction?
Reed: Yes, I think a select few people are moving the sport in the right direction.  Hmm Hmm, Aaron Reed.

Matt: What are your hobbies outside of wake skating?
Reed: Dang ol, is that even a question?  Shoot my bow, shoot my gun, fishin’, etc.

Matt: How do you feel about frilly tooth picks?
Reed: I’m for um!
Matt: Well then, this club is formed!

Matt: What’s your favorite quote?
Reed: Dang ol’ and “shake and bake”

Matt: What is your favorite animal?
Reed: Obviously, the bear.

Matt: Favorite color?
Reed: Mossy oak camo.

Matt: Where do you see yourself in five years?
Reed: Celebrating the fifth anniversary of you asking me this question.

Matt: OK, last question, if you could change one thing about wake skating, what would it be?

Reed: If I could change one thing about wake skating, it would be to figure out a way to make boards that don’t break so much. Ok man lets go fishin’.


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