Superlative Awards | Comp Crusher – Jamie Lopina
Competition season may be over for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, but it certainly is nice to reminisce about the feelings in the air at any competition. A feeling of tension yet comradery that simply builds excitement. Excitement rooted in watching the best riders in the sport perform their art on demand. As spectators, we have very little vested interest in the results yet within some of the most exciting moments our hearts race and in the lowest points we genuinely feel sympathy for the riders on the dock. These feelings and emotions are tenfold for those that are actually competing and despite all of this noise, riders have to step up and put together a run of moves that would be hard to land in the most uncluttered environment with multiple attempts. In the realm of competition riding, you don’t get unlimited attempts. To win any event you have to be consistent throughout an entire day, but to win again and again takes incredible focus and skill. Our Comp Crusher award is an effort to recognize one of the most consistent competition riders throughout the year – in 2021 it happens to be none other than Jamie Lopina.
Jamie competed in the Moxie-Pro this season with very respectable results during the digital stops, but at the first live event in Gainesville, Georgia Jamie was able to open up the 2 day event with a first place in the boat event. Jamie is certainly a talented boat rider, but after some time off from the competition scene in general, she beat the odds with an impressive victory. The following day at the second live stop at Terminus Wake Park, Jamie pulled out a win AGAIN against some of the best women cable wakeboarders in order to achieve back to back 1st place wins.
These two wins catapulted Jamie into another string of impressive outcomes with a 3rd place across the pond at Totem Wake Park in France for the Back To School Jam, and then a win at Redbull’s “Wake the City” competition in Milan, Italy. Winning any competition is hard, but it’s only amplified when you consider that Jamie’s results were not only across both cable and boat disciplines but also against the best riders both domestically and internationally proving that throughout 2021, Jamie Lopina had what it took to compete and win with the best of them.