Less Than 5-Montara Boats-Randall

Randall knows all about style

Style Matters!

Get Your Lines Ready!
It’s no secret that since day one Alliance has been an advocate of style on the water, and in looking back over our past articles, tv shows and content releases, proof of that is pretty clear. With the general “spin/flip to win” attitude, we saw this as the perfect opportunity to reiterate the fact that no matter how many tricks you can do, none of them are worth a damn if you can’t make them look good. You don’t always have to go upside down or do 3 handle passes to make wakeboarding impressive, in fact in our not so humble opinion less is most often times more. Take the method for example; it’s proven to be a timeless move in every boardsport and despite the fact that you’re not spinning or flipping, it’s still one of the hardest moves in the book to perfect. Oftentimes these “simple” tricks are overlooked as riders begin to crave competitive success, and for this reason we felt it was time to go back to our roots and see what some of the most creative riders in our sport can do within more specific parameters. To do this we created “Less than 5”. There have been just 4 iterations of <5 to date. All of which have been groundbreaking in a retroactive sense, winners include names like Randall Harris, Raph Derome, Trever Maur and Shota Tezuka. Pretty solid peer set if you can get yourself there.

Less Than 5-Montara Boats-Gunner-Back

In creating this contest we attempt to remind the youth of our sport that style is indeed one of the most important aspects of your riding; it’s often much more about how you do something than what you are doing. This is quite simply the separation that focuses on wakeboarding being a boardsport not a gymnastics exercise. By limiting the number of moves scored and the amount of spinning per move, riders focus on creativity, style and interpretation of every trick. 

The team at Alliance works on this event every year but we are selective with who we offer this opportunity to. In 2023, the vibe and direction of Montara Boats seemed to be a perfect match for <5. Then they layered in the Godfather of stylish wakeboarding himself (@scottbyerly) as well as @Gunnerdaft as athletes and we knew we had to have a conversation. Seems our vision was pretty inline as after just a few phone calls we were off to the races.

Less Than 5-Montara Boats-Method

As in the past, the Less Than 5 contest is an invitational affair, and we make sure to include some of our favorite riders in the sport as well as those who have been mainstays and those who we plan to see a lot of in the future. But in the past we have also heard a loud cry from the global community wanting an opportunity to participate. Well, we hear you.

For <5 2023 we will qualify 4 riders from a global online qualifier helping to share what style means to different riders from different corners of the world. This will effectively put them side-by-side with the best riders in the sport at the live event.

Less Than Five Podium

Alliance Wake Less Than 5 Presented by Montara Boats Event Overview
2023 Alliance Wake Less than 5 will consist of 3 events

  • Global Online Qualifier
  • Live Invitational Event + Qualifiers
  • Digital Fan Vote

The goal of Less Than 5 is to represent wakeboarding via moves that are smooth and stylish. This is the key criteria the judges are looking for. Make it look proper.

Global Online Qualifier Rules

  • Each rider will enter their single best consecutive 5 trick line. There can be no breaks or edits in this line submission.
  • Every trick must be less than a 540 degree move, no standard inverted or dangling (Raley) moves will be scored. It’s pretty simple: straight airs, 180’s, and 360’s only. No inverts, no raleys, no 5’s, 7’s, 9’s, etc. 
  • One of your 5 tricks must be a straight Method (no rotations – take off forward and land forward)
  • Rewind moves are allowed as long as the sum (360-180 = 180) of the spinning is 360 degrees or less. BUT, keep in mind – The goal of Less Than 5 is to make wakeboarding moves look smooth and stylish … More is not necessarily always better.

Less Than 5-Montara Boats-Gunner Daft

Technical Info

Have your cinematographer shoot from inside the boat in HD (4K 60fps or 1080 60fps) any current iPhone can shoot in this quality, but an actual camera is always better. Your video MUST BE SHOT HORIZONTALLY. DO NOT SHOOT YOUR LINE VERTICALLY. Have your driver drive into the sun so that you are lit properly as well

Global Digital Qualifier

  • Each prospective qualifier will register online – link to come
  • Each prospective qualifier to upload their 1 consecutive 5 trick line – link to come
  • Each rider’s 5 trick line will be posted in a heat on Alliancewake.com and judged accordingly
  • Once you submit your line you must post it as an Instagram Reel and include – @alliancewake, @montaraboats, #lessthan5

Video Submissions:  

Live Event – October 12th 2023

  • 16 Invited Riders
  • 4 riders qualified through the digital process above

2023 <5 Event Flow

8/28 – Invitations Released
9/8 – Line Submissions Open
9/20 – Line Submissions Due
9/25 – Lines Live Online
10/2 – Qualifiers Announced
10/12 – Live Event in Orlando Florida
10/16 – Fan Vote Live
*Alliance holds the right to adjust the schedule at any time.

Get Your Lines Ready!