Yesterday was the day of America — the day of the red, white and blue, the day of stars and stripes and, of course, the day of fireworks. But, being that I’m in Orlando, I wasn’t feeling too patriotic. It’s damn hot here right now, I was really sweaty, and the afternoon sun mixed in with a few light beers put a damper on my energy level. Not even The Boss could motivate me out of my sparkler-lit slump.
Gregg Necrason, on the other hand, was the epitome of a dutiful American on Monday. Beer, BBQ, babes, and explosives were bountiful throughout Gregg’s backyard (which is really, really nice and should have been featured in last month’s yards article – our apologies, Gregg). The only thing missing was the Pledge of Allegiance playing on the surround sound, although I think I heard the Star Spangled Banner at one point. Friends and family gathered at the house of Gregg to partake in his patriotic party and it was a good time. Gregg even took a little session behind the boat to throw down some wakeboarding fireworks of his own. Thanks to Gregg, all of us had a good time. But even after night fell, it was still frickin’ hot. I had to cool off in some AC, take a cold shower, throw on some headphones and bump some gangsta’ rap. The Boss just wasn’t gonna’ cut it.