By Bryan Solderlind

For more than five years I’ve been taking pictures out on this Lake Jessamine dock.  It has giving me one of my best wakeskate photos, the first Standerd cover. It’s also featured on the cover of the new Alliance Wakeboard.

The dock is setup perfect as it gets good light in both the morning and the afternoon and can be hit heading in either direction. Sometimes it has a rail, sometimes it is really high when the water is low, and sometimes it has a lot of weeds growing around it.  It has always found new life whether it’s Grubb, BT, George, Whispers, Balzer, or Hooker hitting it.

Over the years more and more people can be seen riding on Lake Jessamine as it has become a “popular” lake. If you just “happen” to move in on a lake where other riders already live, please be respectful.  One of the great things about Central Florida is that there are thousands of lakes and docks are a pretty common thing as well.  With little effort you can find your own dock to hit.  Many of you do and the sport and everyone in it benefits. In other words, this is a spot, but not a spot for you.


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