Not much to report from the WA INT. Green Lake was fun to ride on. It was nice to be out of the mocha lake (Koppert) and a larger one. Seattle weather was perfect and there was quite a crowd for the first event. Very little to no support or interest in us wakeskaters though…

Sean Cebbell and I were the only two riders in an Open Division for wake skate so we had to duke it out.  (There were two other riders in a beginner division but I didn’t see anything go down. Except for one of them fell getting started.)

I rode first and warmed things up with a back shuv, front lip 270 shuv off, w2w, crashed on a toe side w2w, crashed on a w2w 180, pulled some more water break dancing maneuvers and missed my 3 shuv..
Sean, came out of the gate front lip to backside 270 spin off, back shuv,  (then I couldn't see him..) On his way back he fell on his w2w 180 but stuck the 3 shove.. And ended up with enough style to put him in first.

Sean took first and I nailed last.. Or second.

We had a good time and I think put up a good showing for wakeskating We will continue to go out there and throw it down.